
[Film Dokumenter] 40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy

[Film Dokumenter] 40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy
Di Posting Oleh : Berita Dunia (Ibrahimdera)
Kategori : 40 Years of Silence : An Indonesian Tragedy documentary film film dokumenter Genocide 1965-1966 Genosida 1965-1966 Robert Lemelson

periksa official web at http://40yearsofsilence.com/

40 Years of Silence: An Indone­sian Tragedy fol­lows the com­pelling tes­ti­monies of four indi­vid­u­als and their fam­i­lies, as they break the silence with an inti­mate look at what it was like for sur­vivors dur­ing Suharto’s New Order regime. Through their sto­ries, the audi­ence comes to under­stand the poten­tial for ret­ri­bu­tion, reha­bil­i­ta­tion, and rec­on­cil­i­a­tion in modern-day Indone­sia within this trou­bled his­tor­i­cal context. 

40 Years Of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy (long preview)

40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy - DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT

Character excerpts from 40 Years of Silence

Expert excerpts from 40 Years of Silence
Robert Lemelson, Geoffrey Robinson, John Roosa, Baskara T 

Voice of America - Indonesia - Interview with Director Robert Lemelson

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