
Tinjauan Buku / Resensi (Book Review) The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia, 1965-68 - Douglas Kammen; Katharine McGregor

Tinjauan Buku / Resensi (Book Review) The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia, 1965-68 - Douglas Kammen; Katharine McGregor
Di Posting Oleh : Berita Dunia (Ibrahimdera)
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“Dengan melihat pembantaian massal tahun 1965 sebagai gerakan kontra-revolusioner juga akan mempermudah kita untuk mengerti bahwa gerakan ini adalah revolusi pada dirinya sendiri. Artinya, sekalipun merupakan ‘kontra-revolusi,’ pembantaian ini adalah sebuah revolusi. Dia melakukan reorganisasi kekuatan kelas sosial yang memiliki ideologinya sendiri. Semua kekuatan yang tidak berada dalam gerbong kelas dan ideologi kontra-revolusi yang diciptakan oleh militer Orde Baru harus diberangus dan diberantas habis.

Demikianlah kita lihat bahwa kekuatan-kekuatan sosial dan politik yang dipakai dan diperalat untuk membantai oleh militer kemudian satu per satu dipungkas dan dibabat habis. Itu pulalah yang dialami oleh kaum Nasionalis dan kaum Islam. Ketika Orde Baru mengkonsolidasi kekuasaannya, dengan segera dia menyasar kekuatan politik Nasionalis dan Islam. Regim Orde Baru menyingkirkan sama sekali mereka dari kekuasaan. Dalam hal ini, dilihat dari perspektif pembantaian massal, para korban dan para jagal mengalami nasib yang sama: tergilas oleh tank-tank militer"

Pembantaian Massal 1965 Sebagai Gerakan Kontra-Revolusioner – Made Supriatma [Resensi Buku The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia: 1965-1968

A milestone publication was The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia 1965–1968 in 2012, edited by Douglas Kammen and Katharine McGregor.30 It succeeded for the first time in providing an overview of the violence against the political left in Indonesia in different parts of the country.

The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia, 1965-68

Douglas Kammen dan Katharine McGregor
Honolulu, Asian Studies Association of Australia dan University of Hawai’i Press

info buku

"The scale of the 1965-1968 killings is astounding. It is like a giant jigsaw puzzle that has thousands of pieces and only a small proportion of those pieces have so far been pieced together. This volume has contributed more than a fair share to the jigsaw-solving efforts, and in so doing continues the momentum unleashed since the demise of the New Order regime." - Rommel Curaming

"...considered responses to questions such as when did the violence erupt, which parties were involved in which regions, why the death toll in a particular area was higher than the numbers of fatalities recorded in other locations, and whether there was any connection between the central government and the cases of violence emerging in various regions." - Asvi Warman Adam, The Jakarta Post

“Douglas Kammen and Katharine McGregor have edited a truly insightful volume that outlines contours of mass violence in Indonesia during the 1960s. The volume studies many forms of violence against the Leftists and many clashes between various factions of the right-wing coalition. It takes into account contemporary issues of human rights protection and covers current problems of the democratization process.”-Anton Zakharov

Book Review

Reviewed by CHRIS WILSON, University of Auckland

2 Chapter from this book

Diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dalam buku Bernd Schaefer, Baskara T. Wardaya, eds. 1965: Indonesia and the World, Indonesia Dan Dunia. Bilingual edition. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013. xvii + 459 pp. $28.00 (paper), ISBN 978-979-22-9872-7.

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