Artikel-artikel (Kajian) Soe Tjen Marching Tentang Genosida 1965-1966 - Soe Tjen Marching Articles on Indonesian Genocide/Massacre 1965-1966Di Posting Oleh : Berita Dunia (Ibrahimdera)
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Soe Tjen Marching, The End of Silence: Accounts of the 1965 Genocide in Indonesia, Amsterdam University Press, 2017.
(Photographs by Angus Nicholls)
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End of Silence: the 1965 Genocide in Indonesia - Asia Pacific Focus Review 2017.
The End of Silence (Review) by Clemens Six
The Indonesian genocide of 1965 has been smothered in silence for half a century.
Christopher Hale | Published in History Today Volume 67 Issue 12 December 2017
Seri Kompilasi Kajian Ilmiah Genosida 1965-1966
Asvi Warman Adam,Baskara T. Wardaya, Ariel Heryanto,Robert Cribb, Annie Pohlman, John Roosa, Saksia Wieringa, Katharine McGregor, Peter Dale Scott, Benedict Anderson, Vannessa Hearman, Jess Melvin, Noam Chomsky, Bradley Simpson, Geoffrey Robinson, Greg Poulgrain, Alex de Jong, Andre Vltchek, Taomo Zhou
Artikel / Aticle
(A shorter version has been published by the Jakarta Globe, on 8 June 2015)
Luhut’s Bluster About 1965 Must Stop
Berbagai argumen membenarkan pembunuhan serta kekejaman terhadap mereka yang dituduh PKI pada 1965-67.
english version
Pengacara FPI Pongky Yoga Wiguna menyatakan: “Salah satu alasan mengapa hal ini melanggar hukum adalah karena kaum komunis tidak mengakui Tuhan.”
(by Soe Tjen Marching. Published by The Jakarta Globe, 4 September 2015).
(Versi yang lebih singkat sudah dimuat dalam bahasa Inggris
di The Jakarta Post, 11 Oktober 2017)
Tinjauan Film (Film Review)
english version
(Published in The Jakarta Globe)
In the most recent issue of Soe Tjen Marching's politics and culture magazine "Bhinneka," the academic and writer speaks to several "ex-women prisoners"—survivors of Indonesia's horrific anti-communist purge in the late 60s—about what they saw in...
Soe Tjen Marching speaks with Jemma Purdey about her activism seeking truth and reconciliation on 1965 and the deeply personal story that motivates it.
Tak ada yang memberitahu Soe Tjen tentang nasib ayahnya dan genosida anti-komunis. Sampai ia mendengar kisah itu dari ibunya, setelah ayahnya meninggal dan Suharto turun tahta.
Anti-communist purges starting in 1965 killed 500,000 people - and now survivors are challenging the official narrative.
6.894 pendukung
Inisiator : Soe Tjen Marching
penolakan gelar pahlawan untuk Sarwo Edhie
simak 450 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut
Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966
Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)
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