
Belajar dari Perjuangan dan Proses Perdamaian di Jeju Korea [April 3 Jeju Uprising and Massacre -- 70 Years Later]

Belajar dari Perjuangan dan Proses Perdamaian di Jeju Korea [April 3 Jeju Uprising and Massacre -- 70 Years Later]
Di Posting Oleh : Berita Dunia (Ibrahimdera)
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Dalam bayang-bayang konflik global ini dan pada tahap awal Perang Dingin, Jeju menjadi panggung pembantaian. Pemuda nasionalis dan sosialis yang menginginkan kemerdekaan penuh bagi Korea yang bersatu dibingkai sebagai komunis. Ketika mereka bangkit pada 3 April 1948, sekitar 30.000 orang dibunuh secara ekstra-yudisial dalam apa yang dikenal sebagai pembantaian Jeju 4.3.
Pasukan pendudukan AS, polisi Korea dan kelompok pemuda sayap kanan bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang dilakukan antara 1948 dan 1954.
Kesamaan dengan situasi Indonesia sangat jelas. Kedua negara mengalami perebutan kekuasaan setelah Jepang menyerah. Pada 1947, presiden Amerika Serikat Harry S. Truman mengumumkan doktrinnya untuk melawan pengaruh geopolitik Soviet Rusia.
Di Korea, pasukan AS dapat langsung melakukan intervensi ketika mereka mendeteksi kemungkinan ancaman; di Indonesia mereka mencoba mempengaruhi wakil presiden saat itu, Mohammad Hatta dan para jenderal yang berpikiran sama, salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan bentrokan tahun 1948 di Madiun, Jawa Timur.
Keterlibatan Amerika juga terbukti dalam pembunuhan massal dan kejahatan massal lainnya terhadap kemanusiaan di Indonesia setelah pembunuhan enam jenderal oleh perwira berpangkat rendah pada tahun 1965.

*catatan Saskia Wieringa dari 2018 Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity (Juli 2018)

Bulan Oktober ini Bedjo Untung (YPKP 1965) juga hadir di Jeju sebagai pembicara dan peserta Conference on Jeju 4+3 Truth and Justice - towards the sustainable justice. Ia menjadi pembicara pada sesi Cold War, Genocide and the Role of the US

April 3 Jeju Uprising and Massacre -- 70 Years Later

Tuesday April 3, 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of the April 3 Jeju Uprising and Massacre. In April 1948, guerrilla fighters in the southern island of Jeju waged an armed struggle against the U.S.-backed Korean police and right-wing paramilitary groups. More than 30,000 Jeju residents -- 10% of the island’s population at the time -- died at the hands of government forces and right-wing paramilitary groups. At the time, the U.S. military occupied the southern half of the Korean Peninsula and controlled all police, military and government forces in the south. Seventy years later, the families of the fallen victims, the people of Jeju, and activists for peace are still seeking justice and demanding the U.S. acknowledge, apologize and take responsibility.

Shackled - About Jeju 4.3 Massacre


A shocking documentary about the struggle of the people of Jeju Island, S. Korea. Set in the context of the American presence in Korea after World War II, the film reveals horrible atrocities at the hands of the U.S. Military Government of Korea.

Using previously secret and classified photos, film and documents, this will be the first English-language documentary about the struggle of the brave people of Gangjeong Village who are opposing the military advance of the United States, just as their parents and relatives did in 1947. As then, they are being arrested, jailed, fined, and hospitalized for resisting the construction of a massive naval base that will accommodate America’s “pivot to Asia,” and will destroy their 400 year old village and their UNESCO protected environment.
And yet, the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their supporters, who have not lost hope in spite of overwhelming odds, will inspire and motivate everyone who believes there is a better way to live together on this planet.

the grandma in a white cotton scarf
(kisah nenek penyintas jeju massacre)

Jeju 4.3 Committee

The National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju 4.3 Events (4.3 Committee) was a truth commission in South Korea established in 2000. The commission aimed to investigate the Jeju 4.3 events, which refers to a "series of armed uprisings and counterinsurgency that occurred between 1948 and 1954 on Jeju island, the largest island in the southernmost part of South Korea."[1] Announcing 14,028 victims, the first report of the commission was published in 2003, following an official apology by President Roh Moo-hyun, and his participation in a memorial service held in commemoration of the events, in 2006. However the commission continued to be in operation through 2009, carrying out various reparation projects as well as the screening of victims, thus making it the lengthiest truth commission in history.

selengkapnya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeju_4.3_Committee

simak 400 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966

Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)


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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)
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