
Klayaban di Negeri Asing : Kisah Para Eksil 1965 di Uni Sovyet (Rusia)

Klayaban di Negeri Asing : Kisah Para Eksil 1965 di Uni Sovyet (Rusia)
Di Posting Oleh : Berita Dunia (Ibrahimdera)
Kategori : eksil Genocide 1965-1966 klayaban mahasiswa ikatan dinas pendidikan tragedi 1965

** catatan : profil eksil yang ditampilkan disini mencakup mereka yang menetap di Rusia hingga akhir hayat seperti Utuy T. Sontani, juga eksil yang kemudian hijrah berbagai negara di luar Rusia seperti termasuk yang akhirnya dapat kembali ke Indonesia. Satu diantaranya adalah Mantan Dubes Indonesia di Srilangka yang meminta suaka politik ke pemerintah Rusia (juga kebetulan anaknya sedang tugas belajar disana)

[KENANGAN] Indonesia di mata Rusia (Uni Sovyet)

Dalam vieo ini terekam kenangan Prof Ludmila Demidyuk – Universitas Moskow terhadap koleganya Tatang Utuy Sontani 1920-1979; Kenangan Yuri Sholmov Murid Semaun – Konjen pertama Rusia di Indonesia terhadap gurunya Semaun (yang tigapuluh tahun mukim di Rusia) selain tentang Muso, Alimin, Tan Malaka, Darsono (yang dikenalnya saat mereka berkunjung/mukim sementara di Rusia). Yuri juga menceritakan diktat pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang disusun oleh Semaun dan Muso; Kenangan Led Dyomin mantan wartawan Pravda yang juga pernah menjadi murid Semaun; Vladilen Vasilievich Sigaev Mantan Juru Bahasa Soekarno mengisahkan kunjungan-kunjungan Sukarno ke Rusia.(dengan koleksi foto-foto eksklusif) dan masih banyak lagi

4.3.2. The memory of Soviet Union
There were six respondents with Soviet Union trajectories namely Setiarti, Suratman, Budiarto Djayadi, Ahmadi, Sumarni, Sarman, Karsiman and the biography of Ibarruri Putri Alam. Ibarruri and Budiarto were part of student exchanges between PKI and Soviet Communist Party. All respondents but Karsiman, who moved to Soviet Union from China, were sent to study in Soviet Union and became stateless in this country.

One common memory among those who ever lived in Soviet Union was the impact of Sino – Soviet split in PKI leadership after their statelessness. PKI splitted into two groups namely the pro Tiongkok Jusuf Adjitoropo faction and Thomas Sinuraya faction associated with Soviet Union. This division added the Marhaenist faction like Ahmadi who did not belong to PKI. Karsiman mentioned that each faction tried to get symphaty for the exiles in Soviet Union, and Ibarruri (2006: 123 - 128) considered Thomas Sinuraya faction as a puppet of Soviet Union. Sumarni, Sinuraya‟s wife was silent about this.

 There is a different degree of belonging to Soviet Union within the exiles which related to the length of stay and their active participation in the country. I would take the case of Ahmadi and Sumarni in order to illustrate their personal site of memory and memorialisation of Soviet trajectories. Ahmadi‟s reason to stay was his further continuous study for PhD in International Law. As he graduated from Lomonosov University, Ahmadi worked as a researcher in one of the government research institute until 1990. He married a Russian woman and had a daughter. As he moved to the Netherlands, he left both of them in Moscow. He moved to the Netherlands because of perestroika. He found the rising anti-foreigner climate in which he did not felt secured. He keeps his ties with Soviet Union through marriage and a library with collection of books in Russian language. He said that he followed the latest situation in Soviet Union and also critically compared the old days of communism with the new democratic capitalism situation of Rusia.
Sumarni‟s reason for staying in Soviet Union is because her marriage with Thomas Sinuraya, the students leader of PKI who became a rival of PKI in exile orienting itself to Tiongkok. Sumarni still remembers her lives in Soviet Union as a doctor in the hospital and how she could raise her three sons. There is sense of social negotiation with how to live in Soviet Union and to feel belong to it including a social class she enjoyed in Soviet Union. This might explain her reluctance to move to the Netherlands. She only mentioned it as her husband‟s decision and was not at home to stay in the Netherlands. In addition, she felt her husband instrumental role to maintain the friendly bilateral relationship of Indonesia – Russia after 1965. She is very critical to the publication of a book called Sahabat Lama Era Baru (Old Friend in a New Era) that does not mention her husband role. For her it is a real sign of the persisting Indonesian government discourse on anti-communist.

Sukarno memberangkatkannya, Soeharto menghalanginya. Kini dia berpulang untuk selamanya.


TEH SORE "Tragedi 1965 Menyisahkan Banyak Cerita"
Kejadian 1965 menyisahkan banyak cerita yang bungkam seiring berjalanya waktu. Prof.Sudaryanto salah satu eksil Indonesia di Rusia menceritakan sisi lain dari tragedi politik yang dirasakan sebagai mahasiswa Uni Soviet pada tahun 1965.

Prof Dr Intoyo yang tidak pernah pulang ke Tanah Air sejak kepergiannya ke Uni Soviet pada tahun 1956. Waktu itu, Intoyo yang menjadi penasehat Presiden ditugaskan oleh Presiden Soekarno untuk mengajar Bahasa Indonesia di Moscow Institute of International Relations.


Mereka Ingin Pulang ke Indonesia...- Kompas
**Soekarman dan Uzhara Awal, eksil 65 di Rusia (dahulu Uni Sovyet)

Ali Chanafiah, duta besar Indonesia di Sri Lanka yang tak bisa kembali ke Indonesia dan kemudian mencari suaka politik ke pemerintahan Soviet dan kemudian mengambil kewarganegaran Swedia agar bisa mengunjungi Indonesia sebagai turis

.video bbc indonesia

Sungkono: Dari Moskow, menjajaki‘pulang’ lewat Cina, Vietnam dan Thailand sub judul di artikel Kisah para eksil 1965: Mereka yang ‘dibui tanpa jeruji’ – bbc indonesia

Sarjana Elektro Itu 7 Tahun Kerja di Bengkel Taksi

Pulang: Kisah Eksil di Uni Soviet – Arief Setiawan
Bagian 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

*Koesalah menyelesaikan kuliahnya di Rusia sebelum peristiwa pembasmian komunis tahun 1965-1966 (non-eksil)


Dia merupakan pemimpin negara adikuasa pertama yang menyambangi Indonesia. Disambut dengan penuh kehormatan.

Dalam kunjungan perdananya ke Uni Soviet tahun 1956, Sukarno mampir ke Uzbekistan dan amat terkesan.

Kunjungan Sukarno ke Leningrad pada 1956 membawa berkah bagi muslim di kota itu.

The dissertation examines the dynamic of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Indonesia in the period of 1945-1964, which, focus of Soviet perspective, covers the last decade of Stalin’s post-world war II period until the end of Khruschev’s leadership in 1964. This research is a historical research using qualitative methodology. Geopolitical and international relations approach is used in this study to examine role of diplomatic tradition in strenghtening Soviet influence in the Third countries during the last decade of Stalin and the whole of Khruschev periods. The conceptual frameworks druzhba (friendship) and mirnoye sosushyestvovaniye (peaceful coexistence), and spaseniye mira (world salvation) are used to get better understanding of the picture of the period. In the Russian perspective, the value of druzhba (friendship) that containes vernost’ (loyalty) and iskrennost (honesty) shape the basis for Russia’s attitudes, which implemented in different ways in different time. The results of this study indicate the influence of ‘druzhba’ and mirnoye sosushyestvovaniye values, rooted in the tradition of Russian thought, in diplomatic relations between both countries.

Book Review

Being an ardent believer in Socialism, Soekarno was inspired by the Soviet Union. This manifested in a series of large Soviet style monuments and a large sports complex in the city that was used for the 1962 Asian Games. Join RBTH as it uncovers the Russian influence on the Indonesian capital.

dua video youtube seperti disajikan dalam Russia Beyond

Песня Острова Пальм (Pesnya Ostrova Palm) oleh Maya Golovnya. Sumber: Bronisliva / YouTube

Айо Мама (Ayo Mama) oleh Yuri Khazanov. Sumber: Bronisliva / YouTube


Sukarno Visit Rusia (1959)

Kunjungan PM US Nikita Kruschev ke Indonesia tahun 1960

simak 400 ‘entry’ lainnya pada link berikut

Daftar Isi Perpustakaan Genosida 1965-1966

Road to Justice : State Crimes after Oct 1st 1965 (Jakartanicus)


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Definisi yang diusulkan D. Nersessian (2010) untuk amandemen/ optional protocol Konvensi Anti-Genosida (1948) dan Statuta Roma (2000) mengenai Pengadilan Kejahatan Internasional. (disalin dari Harry Wibowo)
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